College of Public Health Guidebooks
The following commonly required forms are available for viewing, downloading, or printing. These forms may be submitted on plain paper after being printed. Links to forms posted by the Office of Graduate Studies will direct you to the OGS Forms website to ensure the most current form version is used.
“Many forms are on our Archivum system. See the Archivum section of our guidebook for instructions.”
Student Information
New Student Checklist (COPH)
Student Information (Archivum)
Program Requests
Course Substitution Form (Archivum)
Change of Faculty Mentor (Archivum)
Change of Concentration Form (Archivum)
Change of Graduate Concentration Form (note: change of degree requires a Change of Graduate Major form)
Human Research Protections (information)
Registration - Undergraduate Students
Approval for Undergraduates To Take Graduate Level Courses (COPH)
Contract for Incomplete Grades (for undergraduate students only) (COPH)
Registration - Graduate Students
For contract course paperwork, see the contract course guidebook page. This includes: Independent Study, Special Project, Field Experience, Thesis, Specialized Study, Directed Research, and Thesis/Dissertation.
Consent of Instructor Form (COPH)
Permit Approval for Capstone PHC 6936 (Archivum)
Time Conflict Form (COPH)
Contract for Independent Study (complete in Archivum)
Contract for Special Project (complete in Archivum)
To add, drop, or change hours after the first week of classes (Add/Drop period), please complete the Graduate Petition Form.
*(COPH) designates that the form is a COPH form rather than used for other colleges or departments across the university. Office of Graduate Studies forms are available here. To update your student information, please refer to the Office of the Registrar’s website.
Thesis, Dissertation and Doctoral Project
Other Sources of Forms and Information
USF Office of Graduate Studies Forms: Forms | Office of Graduate Studies | University of South Florida
USF Office of the Registrar Forms: Forms
USF Graduate Catalog and Archives: Graduate Catalog Archives | Faculty and Staff | Office of Graduate Studies | University of South Florida
USF Policies and Regulations: University Regulations & Policies | University of South Florida