MHA Internship & Internship Report

College of Public Health Guidebooks

MHA Internship & Internship Report

PHC 6941: MHA Internship (2 credits)

Beginning in Fall 2018 incoming MHA students are required to complete PHC 6941: MHA Internship. The MHA Internship provides an opportunity for students to apply knowledge and skills in analyzing a management problem at a health care or related organization. In consultation with their Faculty Mentor and field site Preceptor, students will identify a management problem at the organization, which they will address using analytic skills and tools developed through the MHA Program. The problem must not be so large that it cannot be addressed within the semester, nor should it be so limited that it is inconsequential. For credit in the course the student will produce two work products (internship plan and field site reflective report) that address elected MHA competencies, as explained on the MHA Internship Plan for PHC 6941. The subset of competencies may vary to accommodate the experience. A student self-assessment and preceptor evaluation are also required.

PHC 6941 has the following prerequisite courses: PHC 6160, PHC 6180, PHC 6181, PHC 6760, PHC 6756, and PHC 6588.  In addition, a minimum of 24 credit hours of MHA coursework must be completed prior to beginning the Internship.   

Once you secure your Internship, the Plan should be completed with your preceptor and faculty advisor, who will serve as your course instructor.  Your advisor will add their contact information to the syllabus before the course begins. A minimum of 90 on-site (contact) hours is required; however, this can increase based on the preceptor’s expectations or any terms of employment, if applicable. 

A permit to register for the course will be requested once the Internship Plan is approved by your preceptor and advisor, and submitted to Elaine Alderman. 

PHC 6941 Syllabus -  MHA Internship (2 credits; S / U Grade Only)

PHC 6917 Syllabus - MHA Internship Report (2 credits; S/ U Grade Only)

PHC 6917: MHA Internship Report (2 credits)

Beginning in Fall 2018, incoming MHA students are required to complete PHC 6917: MHA Internship Report. 

For a guide to the MHA Internship Report, review the MHA Internship Format document.

Registration Process for MHA Internship (PHC 6917; 2 credits; S / U Grade Only):

  • Complete the required Foundation training in the Human Research Protections. See the web site for instructions.
  • A permit to register will be requested once the Internship Report Plan is approved by your preceptor and advisor, and submitted to Elaine Alderman.

Also, see information on registering for contract courses on our registration pages.

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