Concurrent Degree - MPH and Health Administration MHA

College of Public Health Guidebooks

Concurrent Degree - MPH and Health Administration MHA

Delivery: Traditional

The MHA/MPH concurrent degree provides a unique opportunity for students who are interested in both health administration and health policy to pursue both interests, recognizing that the health care marketplace has professional opportunities that require both skill sets.

Program of Study

If you have questions on your program, please contact your Academic Advisor.

Current students may access their Degree Works planner (Degree Works may also be accessed from my.usf.edu or OASIS). Students may view their current progress in Archivum at usf.appiancloud.com/. (See Archivum instructions.). If you are not a current student, or want to view program requirements from a different catalog year please use these sources: 

There may be circumstances in which a student may need to change their catalog year. This must be initiated through a discussion with your academic advisor. Details regarding USF policy on changing catalog year can be found at https://usf.edu/grad-catalog-academic-policies

Current Competencies (beginning fall 2017)

MPH Competencies
MHA Competencies
Health Policies and Programs Competencies

2011 - 2016 Competencies

APE and ILE Requirements for MHA/MPH Concurrent Degree Students

An MHA/MPH student will complete:

  1. MHA Internship – Practical experience in an area of management

  2. MHA Report – Project with the focus on a management problem

  3. APE – Requires two products

    • Identify a component of the MHA internship that is policy-focused. Submit one product based on that portion of the internship. The product will need to connect the experience to at least three MPH foundational and two concentration competencies.

    • Identify an interprofessional education experience to complete (Poverty Simulation, Art in Health, etc. or the student can create their own) and create a product based on the IPE experience. Must meet competency #21 performs effectively on interprofessional teams.

  4. ILE – A student-led project that demonstrates synthesis of competencies. For a dual student, the ILE should have a policy-related focus (i.e. a policy brief) as it pertains to the MPH side of the program.



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