MSPH Graduate Advising

College of Public Health Guidebooks

MSPH Graduate Advising

Graduate Advising is an opportunity to exchange information designed to help students reach their educational and career goals. They support students through navigating USF systems, course selection, forms and graduation requirements. Graduate advisors can assist in these processes by helping the student understand options, determine resources and, when necessary, identify alternatives.

Advising Appointments

All appointments are currently being held via Microsoft Teams of Phone. See below to find your concentrations assigned advisor and to schedule an appointment.

For questions on ADMISSIONS, please contact cophinfo@usf.edu.


 What is the difference between a graduate advisor and a faculty mentor?

Your graduate advisor and faculty mentor will work collaboratively with you during your degree program to help you meet your academic and career goals.

Your graduate advisor will assist with the overall program of study and course sequencing; remove holds; grant course permits; process academic forms; and direct you to any needed college and campus resources.

You will be assigned a faculty mentor who will advise you on electives, field experience, integrative learning experiences (ILE), special project and specific career advice for your field of study and professional goals.

 Who is my advisor?

Your graduate advisor and faculty mentor are listed in your Archivum account on the Summary page. (See instructions for viewing your student record.)

Graduate advisors serve current master's students in the College of Public Health who were admitted Spring 2016 and later.

 When should I see my graduate advisor?

After confirming admission to the College of Public Health, you will meet with an advisor to complete your initial program of study (POS). Be sure to seek out your graduate advisor any time you have an academic matter you want to discuss. You are welcome to talk to your graduate advisor about personal issues that may arise and effect your academic coursework. When necessary, graduate advisors connect students to campus resources to assist with the resolution of academic or personal issues.  

 Can I complete a graduate certificate while enrolled in my graduate program?

Yes, you may complete a graduate certificate while earning your master's degree. Please visit the Graduate Certificates guidebook page for more information.

 How do I add or drop a class?

For USF policy on Dropping a Course please refer to the USF Catalog. See USF Academic Standards and Grades Policy for more information.

To petition to add a course after add/drop week the form required for this action is a USF Graduate Petition. Late add petitions received after the first 10 weeks will require a personal statement. Form should be completed and sent to COPH Academic and Student Affairs for final signature and processing. Petitions submitted will take 2-3 weeks to process before a change in the OASIS system is noted. If you have additional questions please feel free to email cophpermits@usf.edu.

You can drop a course in the OASIS system up to the final add/drop date. After the final drop date the form required for this action is a USF Graduate Petition. Form should be completed and sent to COPH Academic and Student Affairs cophpermits@usf.edu for final signature and processing.  Petitions submitted will take 2-3 weeks to process before a change in the OASIS system is noted.

Additional Resources can be found on the Student Success guidebook page.

Advisor & EmailMSPH Student ConcentrationsConnecting with an Advisor

Nyasha Bailey


  • Behavioral Health
  • Environmental and Occupational Health
  • Epidemiology
  • Genetic Counseling
  • Genomics
  • Global Communicable Disease
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Occupational Exposure Science
  • Public Health Education
Click here to schedule an appointment with Nyasha

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