Health and Wellness

College of Public Health Guidebooks

Health and Wellness

The Center for Student Well-Being provides services and resources to help students develop life-long healthy habits, stay well-balanced, and be successful in college. They offer workshops, presentations, and awareness campaigns on topics relevant to students.

Wellness Centers in the Marshall Student Center (MSC 1504) and the FIT provides students with a variety of free drop-in services. Stop by for consultations with a registered dietitian, blood pressure screenings, chair massages, and free health products and resources.

Administrative Offices: SVC 2127
Telephone: 813-974-4936
Email: wellness@usf.edu

Student Health Services offers primary care services, sexual health and gynecology services, mental health services, testing for ADD, ADHD, and learning disabilities, nutrition counseling, travel health services, and athletic training.

All USF students who are currently registered for classes are eligible to receive services at SHS. The Student Health Fee (included in tuition) helps to offset medical costs, so students can see a healthcare provider with no out-of-pocket charge for the general office visit and receive tests or specialty procedures at discounted rates. 

To schedule an appointment: 

  • Call 813-974-2331;
  • Walk in and schedule in person

Clinical hours, Monday - Friday:

  • Fall and Spring Semesters: 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
  • Summer Semester: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Break Weeks: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


  • East of the Marshall Student Center and USF Bookstore, just north of the Student Services building

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