Master's Progression Policy (MPH, MSPH, MHA)

College of Public Health Guidebooks

Master's Progression Policy (MPH, MSPH, MHA)

USF College of Public Health

Masters Graduate Progression Policy (MPH, MSPH, MHA)

Purpose and Intent

The USF College of Public Health is committed to student success and ensuring progression through our graduate programs, including the timely achievement of milestones. Facilitating students through their academic progress to degree is just one of the many university initiatives directed at assisting students in effectively meeting their academic goals.


The following progression plan is for masters-level graduate Public Health programs (MSPH, MPH, MHA).  This plan refers only to progression toward degree. Please see the specific degree for any additional requirements of each degree program.

Progression Milestones

  1. All masters level students MUST enroll in the required core courses (History and Systems and Population Assessment I) in their first fall semester.
  2. Students must earn the grade of ‘C’ or higher in each required core and concentration public health course (see academic standards and grades in USF Catalog)
  3. All MPH students must enroll in the required core courses (Population Assessment 2 and Translation to Practice) in their second semester, unless they receive a grade lower than a C in either of the first two core courses. In this case, they must wait until successful completion of the first two courses before progression into the second two courses.
  4. Students must maintain an overall and program grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 and produce work consistent with the standards of the USF Academic Integrity Policy in order to be considered in academic "good standing" and to earn a degree.
  5. Students are limited to a total of two course withdrawals (excluding withdrawals with cause and military duty).
  6. MPH students MUST take and pass the CPH exam by the end of their first summer semester upon completion of the Core. MSPH and MHA students may take the CPH exam, however passing the exam is not a requirement for graduation.

Holds, Academic Progress Plan, and Plan of Improvement

  1. Masters students who have a GPA less than 3.0 will be placed on probation according to the Graduate Student Probation Process, and a hold will be placed on their account, preventing registration until they meet with an advisor and create an Academic Progress Plan ensuring that the student has a path to raise the GPA to the required minimum.
  2. Masters students who receive less than a ‘C’ in a required core or concentration course will have a hold placed on their account, preventing registration until they meet with an advisor and create a Plan of Improvement. The Plan will be submitted to the Academic Progression Review committee. If the committee approves the proposed plan, the student must register and repeat the course the next time it is offered.
  3. MPH students who do not pass the CPH exam by the start of their second Fall semester, will have a hold placed on their account, preventing registration until they meet with an advisor and create a Plan of Improvement. Students will be given the option to retake and pass the CPH exam by the end of September in their second Fall semester or to take an equivalent comprehensive exam. The equivalent comprehensive exam may only be taken once.


  1. Masters students that earn two (2) grades below a ‘C’ and/or ‘U’ in the required core courses will be recommended to voluntarily withdraw or for dismissal to the Office of Graduate Studies.
  2. Masters students who do not have a path to raise the GPA to the 3.0 minimum in an Academic Progress Plan will be recommended to voluntarily withdraw or for dismissal to the Office of Graduate Studies.
  3. Masters students, 2017/2018 catalog and forward, who do not successfully pass the CPH exam or the equivalent comprehensive exam by the second Fall semester will be recommended to voluntarily withdraw or for dismissal to the Office of Graduate Studies.
  4. Masters students who have violated the Academic Integrity Policy will be recommended for dismissal to the Office of Graduate Studies.
  5. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at the College of Public Health will notify students who are being dismissed in writing as required by USF policy.
  6. Masters students who are recommended for dismissal and have met the requirements for a Generalist in Public Health certificate will be awarded the certificate with the exception of those dismissed for Academic Integrity Violations.

Appeal Process: See USF Policy 10-002: Academic Grievance Procedure for Students

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