Concurrent Degrees & Concentrations

College of Public Health Guidebooks

Concurrent Degrees & Concentrations

Important Catalog Information

Due to the planned consolidation during the summer of 2020, of the University of South Florida, the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, and the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee, into a single university with a fully aligned and integrated curriculum and a single set of academic policies and procedures, any undergraduate or graduate student who matriculates at one of the three USF institutions on or after May 18, 2020, will adhere to the curricula, policies, and procedures described in the 2020-21 USF undergraduate or graduate catalog, respectively.

Concurrent Concentrations

A concurrent concentration does not require an additional SOPHAS application. Students will still apply to add the second concentration through the process below. For full requirements see the Academic Policies section of the USF Graduate Catalog.


When do you do this?

Student may begin this process during their first semester, but it cannot be finalized until after they have completed their first term.

What are the requirements and policies?

  • See the USF Graduate Catalog and the USF Graduate Concentration Form for requirements.

  • Students must complete both concentrations within the time limit for their degree.

  • Certificate seeking students may not be able to fully fund their courses due to the lack of electives, speak to your advisor.

How do I complete this process?

Follow the below steps and contact your Graduate Advisor with any questions.

  1. Identify the 2nd concentration you would like to add

  2. Speak to your current advisor to address the requirements and review the USF Graduate Concentration Form

  3. Speak to your concentration faculty mentor and obtain their signature (you can find your faculty mentor in Archivum)

  4. Speak to the concentration lead for 2nd concentration linked here and obtain their signature

  5. Submit the change of concentration form to your primary Graduate Advisor (the first one you had) for processing

  6. If approved, continue to communicate with your primary advisor to ensure you are meeting requirements for both degree

**DegreeWorks/Archivum may not accurately reflect your requirements.**

Concurrent Degrees

A concurrent degree allows students to request to pursue two different degrees at the same time. A concurrent degree with COPH requires all students to have a SOPHAS application on file.

Concurrent Degrees Offered by the College of Public Health 

Other concurrent degree options with Public Health may be possible. 


When do students begin this process?

Students may begin this process at the beginning of their academic programs or partway.

What are the requirements and policies?

  • Students must be in good academic standing to apply for a 2nd degree.

  • All students must apply through SOPHAS and be recommended for admission.

  • Once recommendation from COPH for admission has happened, students can complete the concurrent degree form to be admitted into the degree for the upcoming term.

  • Degrees may be conferred sequentially or concurrently, as specified in the approved major requirements.

  • Students must complete both degrees within the time limit for the first degree.

  • For a full listing of requirements see the Academic Policy section and the concurrent degree section of the USF Catalog.

How do I complete this process?

Follow the below steps and reach out to a Graduate Advisor with any questions.

  1. Identify the 2nd degree and concentration.

  2. Apply in SOPHAS for the COPH degree and note that you are pursuing a concurrent degree.

    • If you are applying to start both programs in the same term you must select which is the primary and add the 2nd one through the concurrent degree application

  3. Speak to the Graduate Advisor for the concentration.

    • Identify the courses needed for the program.

  4. Begin the COPH concurrent degree form and USF Concurrent Degree Application

  5. Schedule a meeting with the concentration lead for your area linked here and the faculty from the other degree to decide if there will be share credits, 0-15% of credits may be shared.

    • Example: MPH requires 42 credits and other degree requires 52. This would allow up to 14 credit hours to be shared.

  6. Submit both forms to the COPH Graduate Advisor to route for COPH signatures.

  7. Concurrent Degree forms cannot be processed until the end of the 1st term.

  8. If approved continue to communicate with your advisors for both degrees to ensure you are meeting requirements for both degree

**Degreeworks/Archivum may not accurately reflect your requirements.**



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