PhD Doctoral Milestones

College of Public Health Guidebooks

PhD Doctoral Milestones

Doctoral milestones are essential benchmarks that guide a PhD student’s journey, marking progress and ensuring the structured development of their research and academic skills. Furthermore, milestones foster the development of essential skills, these skills enhance a student’s academic capabilities and prepare them for careers in academia, research, or other professional roles. The doctoral milestones are integral components of the COPH PhD program, and are required for successful completion of the degree. The COPH milestones encompass areas related to a student's development of research, teaching, and professional skills. 

Development of Research Skills 

  • Peer-Review Publications

Any publications (peer-reviewed manuscripts, white papers, technical reports, policy briefs, etc.)

  • Other Publications

Publications related to doctoral training or work with faculty mentor

  • Critical Review Experience

IRB/IACUC Submission reviews (as appropriate); Journal manuscript reviews with faculty

  • Conference Abstracts and Presentations

Submission of conference abstracts. Presentations: USF Health Research Day; FPHA or other regional conferences; National professional conferences (APHA, etc.), Other professional conferences – discipline specific

  • Grant Preparation and Award

Grant preparation experience (i.e. participation with faculty member on their grant submission; NIH R-series, HRSA, etc.)

Grant preparation for student funding (i.e. K- or F-award series, internal awards, dissertation funding awards, etc.)

Successful completion of small internal student research award

Development of Teaching Skills

The COPH requirement mandates that PhD students must serve as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for at least one course and act as the official Instructor of Record (IOR) for at least one course. Graduate Teaching Assistants (TAs) at USF are hired by individual departments/schools and fulfill a variety of instructional roles, which include serving as an instructor of record, grader, and/or teaching assistant.

Teaching Assistant (TA)

  • TA Training: A one-day introduction to graduate student teaching at USF. This training is required of all TAs at USF-Tampa (Academic Affairs and USF Health)
  • Preparing for College Teaching (PCT) Course: An optional ten-week program that provides TAs with an experience that helps them prepare to become college instructors or professors.

Instructor of Record (IOR)

Additional teaching resources can be found on the Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE) website.

Development of Professional Skills

  • Training

Internal USF training sessions; External (national/state) training sessions; Webinars

  • Professional Products

Refined CV; Teaching Statement; Research Statement; Cover Letter; Job Talk

  • Participation in Professional Service

Participate in conference abstract and/or manuscript reviews

Serve on department/college committee

Participate or contribute to a community coalition/organization

Mentorship of students

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