Student Success

College of Public Health Guidebooks

Student Success

There are many opportunities for involvement at the College of Public Health and USF, both on campus and virtually. Events and guest lectures are scheduled on the COPH Calendar of Events, and many are shared online via live streaming. Participate in research opportunities such as Research Day or apply for the SHARP award to present your research. The USF Health Service Corps is an interdisciplinary program that provides opportunities for all USF Health students to participate in health-related community service activities together. Take a look at our COPH and USF Student Organizations

  • You can get involved with the largest student organization at the College of Public Health here: facebook.com/groups/62647937926/. This organization sponsors events and socials, and provides travel scholarships, so stay informed!

  • Connect with fellow students, faculty, staff, and alumni by joining the COPH group on LinkedIn. This site will be valuable in your search for positions once you graduate. 

  • You can also join the COPH group on Facebook. You will get updates on all kinds of college news via this site.

  • For more information, see opportunities on the COPH Student Life web pages.

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