These are two-year fellowships funded by the HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau federal grant, Strengthening the MCH Public Health Academic Pipeline, with particular foci on research pertaining to maternal/infant health, child/adolescent health, women’s health, sexual/reproductive health, family/community violence, and unintentional injury. There is specific interest in recruiting individuals from racially/ethnically diverse backgrounds in addition to other underrepresented minority backgrounds.
Fellows will be mentored by matched research faculty and develop plans for professional growth. In addition, the postdoctoral fellows will have the opportunity to collaborate with MCH faculty and postdoctoral fellows in other MCHB-funded programs, as well as with Title V and other MCH organizations and partners locally, regionally, and nationwide. Postdoctoral MCH research fellows will also participate in/lead classes and seminars. Support for professional conferences and other dissemination activities will be provided. Fellows will teach one or two graduate classes per year and be expected to further their research by developing grant proposals with faculty and publishing them in the peer-reviewed literature, in addition to collaborating with ongoing MCH faculty research.
For all other questions specific to this program, please contact Dr. Ellen Daley at